Registration form for the Seminar with Kancho Nobuaki Kanazawa.
Cégep Beauce-Appalaches (gymnasium)
1055-116e rue
St-Georges (Québec)
G5Y 3G1
Dinner at 7:00PM
Restaurant Le Bec Fin
584, boulevard Dionne
Saint-Georges (Qc) G5Y 3T7
Carte menu:
Sport, casual outfit
Le Georgesville
300, 118e street, Saint-Georges (Qc) G5Y 3E3
Ask to Reserve the room SKIF Beauce. At 2 minutes to the Cegep.
One person $150cnd, two $165, three $180 and four $195 breakfast includ and tips.
Comfort Inn
16525, boulevard Lacroix, Saint-Georges (Québec) G5Y 2G2
At 7 minutes to the Cegep
130$ for two and 150$ for four.
For more information,
contact Sensei Michel Morin at: